Alarms – Jeppesen Marine Workboat Navigator 1.3 User Manual
Page 135

13 - Target Tracking
A number of conditions will trigger an alarm and a corresponding message to
appear in your Workboat Navigator application window. Workboat Navigator
provides a standard setup for alarms but your installer may have customized your
alarms to suit your needs. The location of the alarm depends on the current view
configuration but they generally appear in the top middle portion of your monitor’s
configuration. As long as the condition exists, the alarm will continue. You can
clear the alarm by acknowledging it. For many alarms, if the condition still exists 30
seconds to a minute after you acknowledged it, the alarm sounds or appears again.
To acknowledge an alarm, select it with your pointer and left-click your mouse. You
can also use the Hot Keys
to acknowledge alarms, with one
being the first alarm in a sequence and three being the third alarm in a sequence.
The following table describes the alarms and their conditions.
Active Point
The alarm will sound if you have specified the waypoint
Arrival Distance in System Menu | Tools/Settings |
Options | Misc. | Waypoint Arrival and XTE Alarm
Settings. The alarm will sound until you manually clear it.
Boundary Alarm
The alarm starts if any part of your boat and tow model
crosses a circle, line, or polygon boundary.
Dangerous Target
The alarm starts when the CPA/TCPA/AIS of any target
meets the criteria specified in System Menu | Tools/
Settings | Options | Targets | Target Threat Settings.
Dead Reckoning
The alarm starts when in Dead Reckoning Mode with no
incoming GPS. The only way you can clear this alarm is to
turn off the Dead Reckoning Mode.
DR Mode -
Receiving GPS
The alarm starts when you are in Dead Reckoning mode
and you are receiving a GPS signal.
Depth Signal Lost
The alarm starts if the depth was present but then cannot be
detected on one or more sounder configurations.
eToken Missing
The alarm starts if the software is running and detects that
the eToken is not connected to the port. Charts installed
to the security key are not available while this condition
persists. The alarm will clear after you re-insert the security
key into the appropriate USB port.
GPS Signal
The alarm starts if your GPS signals change to a lower
quality indicator.
GPS Signal Lost
The alarms starts if you were receiving GPS signals but
they have stopped.
GPS Signal Poor
The alarm starts if your GPS signal quality indicator
changes from receiving signals every one second to every
five seconds.
Heading Signal Lost The alarm starts if five seconds or more pass with no
heading when there was a heading signal before the delay.
Instant Mark
The alarm starts as soon as you create an Instant mark.
Layers Disabled
The alarm starts if one of the Layer options in the Chart
Context Menu is not selected. The alarm will reappear every
10 minutes while the Layers option remains not selected.
The alarm starts if a MOB (Man Overboard) mark is