Acquiring marpa targets, Marpa symbology – Jeppesen Marine Workboat Navigator 1.3 User Manual

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12 - Radar Management

Acquiring MARPA Targets

Acquiring MARPA targets in Jeppesen Workboat Navigator requires you to identify
the target that you want to track.
To acquire MARPA targets using Jeppesen’s exclusive Point and Click Radar:
Double Click: In the Radar window pane, place your mouse on top of the

radar target that you wish to track and double-click. A target
marker will identify the target on-screen.


Right-click on the Radar window pane and choose Acquire
Target Mode
from the Radar Context Menu. The mouse
cursor will change to Acquire Target Mode cursor.

Acquire Target Mode. Acquire Target Mode changes the cursor to a dashed box.
In this mode every left click in the Radar window pane or a Chart window pane that
has Radar Overlay selects the target you click on for target tracking. Click outside
of the Radar image or press


to turn off Acquire Target Mode.

Once you’ve identified a target, Jeppesen Workboat Navigator will process radar
data for a few seconds before displaying the tracked target.
To delete a MARPA target, right-click on the target and select Delete from the
Radar Context Menu or left-click on the target and press



MARPA Symbology

Jeppesen uses the IMO approved MARPA symbology.







Dashed box

Attempting to acquire target. Typically
takes up to 7 full rotations.

Blue Circle with Vector

Tracking target. Vector shows
course and speed.

Red Triangle with Vector

Target is a threat because it is inside
the alarm setting. Showing course and
speed through the vector.

Yellow Diamond

Lost target. Attempting to re-acquire.

Table 12.1 - MARPA Symbols

The predictor line extending from the target symbol gives an estimate of target
course and speed. The end of the predictor line shows the position where, barring
changes, the target will be in a designated amount of time.


If the MARPA target is lost, another feature of Point and Click Radar is to

use your mouse to drag the symbol back over the radar echo to help it re-
acquire. You can also delete targets with the Radar Context Menu.