Bio-Rad Microplate Manager Software User Manual

Page 93

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Chapter 6. Data Formatting and Reports


dimensions for your template by selecting Physical Dimensions.... See section 4.1.2
for details on these features.

Many of these formatting settings affect what part of the image your data is collected
from, and thus affect the data itself. For example, if you change the extraction area in
the Physical Dimensions dialog box, this will change the area of the well that is used
for data collection, which will change the data itself.

Because formatting changes can affect your data, multi-level undo and redo are
supported for the image formatting commands. Select Undo Plate Format from the
EDIT menu to undo each formatting change, or Redo Plate Format to redo a
formatting change.


Reports Available for Endpoint and Multiple Plate Data Only

Raw Data Report

Figure 56. Raw Data Report.

The Raw Data Report contains the absorbance readings exactly as they are received
from the reader. A missing or out-of-range value is indicated by three asterisks (***).