Bio-Rad Microplate Manager Software User Manual

Page 15

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Chapter 1. Introduction


Major improvements in associating protocols and templates.

More flexibility in tagging outliers in replicate sets.

Up to 12 different assays on one plate, each with its own blanks, controls, and

More status bar and cursor feedback in templates and reports, including well
information and cursor positions.

External standards and standard curve checking. A quantitative method for
comparing two standard curves is now available. A statistical analysis of the
comparison is provided.

Improved display of graphics reports such as standard curve and kinetic zoom.

Incubator temperature adjustments as small as 0.2



Improved handling of multipage printouts for larger plates.

Permanent tagging of user-edited or imported data on screen and in printouts.

Fully integrated simulated scanner for demos and practice runs, capable of
producing simulated data.

Complete reading protocols. Reading parameters, plate template, analysis
options, and print settings may be saved for repeated applications.

Auto-scaling of kinetic data in Kinetic Zoom Plot windows.