4 formatting a template – Bio-Rad Microplate Manager Software User Manual

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Chapter 4. Templates


Concentrations and Dilution Factors

Concentrations of standards and dilution factors for unknowns may also be entered
using separate dialog boxes. If the concentration or dilution values are in a geometric
series, you only need to enter the initial value and the ratio; Microplate Manager will
calculate the remaining values.

4.4 Formatting a Template

After you have opened a template (see section 4.1.2), you are ready to format it.


If you have reports that are associated with your displayed template, you should
close them before formatting or editing the template. Reports are updated every
time the template changes, and the recalculation time may make the program
much less responsive.

The commands for formatting a template are located on the template toolbar and on
the FORMAT menu.

Figure 21. Format menu and template toolbar.