7 standard curve comparison – Bio-Rad Microplate Manager Software User Manual

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Chapter 6. Data Formatting and Reports


To change curve fit options or axis types, open the Standard Curve Report and
select the desired regression method and axis type from the buttons in the dialog box.

6.7 Standard Curve Comparison

When you are using external standards, it is prudent to validate them from time to
time. After a large number of readings, you should analyze the standards again and
create a new (internal) calibration curve. The internal calibration curve can be
compared to the external curve to see if there is a statistically significant difference
between the two.

To validate your external standards, first read a plate with both internal and external
standards, then select Standard Curve Report... from the VIEW menu. Both standard
curves will be plotted. To compare the two, select Analysis of Variance... from the

Figure 71. Analysis of Variance box.

In the Analysis of Variance dialog box, the key statistics are listed in the last
column. Within this last column, there are three subcolumns. From left to right, these
subcolumns show the F statistic, the significance, and the probability that the
difference between the two curves is significant. There are four degrees of
significance: not significant, significant, highly significant, and extremely significant.
These are indicated by the following symbols: ns, *, **, ***.

F statistic

