Bio-Rad Microplate Manager Software User Manual
Page 82

Microplate Manager User Guide
Normalization Report: Similar to the Limit Report, except that the readings are
displayed as percentages relative to the limits.
Standard Curve Report: Displays the interpolation curve defined by your
standards, as well as associated statistical analyses. Five different regression
methods (linear, quadratic, cubic, cubic-spline, and four-parameter logistic) are
Unknown Concentrations Report: Unknown concentrations are computed
based on the standards and regression method you have chosen.
The following reports are specific to endpoint and multiple-plate protocols
(absorbance data):
Raw Data Report: Displays the raw absorbance values for the microplate wells.
Absorbance Report: Subtracts the mean absorbance of the blank wells from the
raw absorbance of each well.
The following reports are specific to kinetic protocols (velocity data):
Velocity Report: Shows the velocity of each well, calculated from the raw data
as specified in the Analysis Options dialog box.
Adjusted Velocity Report: Subtracts the mean velocity of the blank wells from
the raw velocity of each well.
Kinetic Correlation Coefficient Report: Shows the correlation coefficient of
the linear fit for each well.
Kinetic Standard Errors Report: Shows the standard error of the linear fit for
each well.
Kinetic Plots Report: Shows the time evolution graph of each well.
Kinetic Zoom Plot Report: Shows the kinetic plots data for a selected well.
Shows the fitted equation for the linear regression and its standard statistics.
From within a protocol dialog box, you can select the reports to be automatically
displayed after a protocol is run. See section 5.1.6 for instructions.