Bio-Rad Microplate Manager Software User Manual
Page 78

Microplate Manager User Guide
a base file name for the resulting data files. File names are then constructed by
appending two digits to the base file name.
Enter the base file name in the Filename: field. A file path may be entered as well.
Clicking on the button next to the Filename: field allows you to browse the directory
tree for a directory to save your files in.
For example, if you enter c:\mydata\test and read three plates, the resulting data files
will be named test-01.mpm, test-02.mpm, and test-03.mpm, and these will be written
to the c:\mydata directory. If you scanned a bar code number on each plate, the data
file name will also be appended with that number (e.g., for bar code number
ABC123, the resulting file name would be test-01-ABC123.mpm).
Absorbance Delay
Absorbance Delay delays data collection until a well that you select reaches a
specified level of absorbance. To access the controls for this feature, click on the
Absorbance Delay button.
Figure 47. Absorbance Delay dialog box.
In the Absorbance Delay dialog box, click on the Use Absorbance Delay checkbox
to enable this feature. Select the row and column number of the well whose
absorbance you want to monitor from the pull-down lists. In the Acquire when the