Bio-Rad Microplate Manager Software User Manual

Page 54

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Microplate Manager User Guide


Click on the tab of the assay you want to change, then choose the type of regression
method from the OPTIONS menu or from the standard curve toolbar at the bottom
of the dialog box.

Also select the types of axes from the OPTIONS menu or from the toolbar. The
types of axes are linear-linear, linear-log, log-linear, and log-log. For the logistic
regression method, only linear axes are available.

Repeat this procedure for each assay on your plate.

To implement your changes, close the dialog box by clicking on the Close box in the
upper right corner.


Step 6. Select External Standards

If you run the same assay repeatedly, you may not want to include standards on every
plate. Microplate Manager allows you to run your standards once, then include them
in subsequent readings.

To do so, with your template displayed, select Standard Curve Report or Unknown
Concentration Report
from the VIEW menu and click on the tab of the desired

Choose External Standards... from the OPTIONS menu to open the External
dialog box.