3 contacting technical support – Bio-Rad Experion RNA Analysis Kits User Manual
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Technical Support: 1-800-4BIORAD • 1-800-424-6723 • www.bio-rad.com
Probable Cause
Recommended Action
Lower marker is identified
Experion software selected incorrect peak to
correspond to the marker; such an error affects
alignment and sizing
Manually select the markers by following the instructions in
Section 6.1
Virtual gel does not
resemble an agarose gel
separation of same samples
Gel view is a direct interpretation of
electropherogram data. By default,
fluorescence intensity of bands in each lane is
scaled to intensity/peak height of highest peak
in that sample (scale to local). Consequently,
each gel lane may have a different scale of
fluorescence intensity
Adjust the intensity of the virtual gel using the sliding cursor
Baseline is fluctuating (for
example, into very negative
and positive values)
Air bubbles are interfering with electrical
contact in one or more of the wells
Stop the run, remove the chip, and remove and replace
solution in affected wells
Sample is in inappropriate sample buffer
Ensure RNA is in buffer of low ionic strength (for Experion
RNA StdSens use TE or water, for Experion RNA HighSens
use water)
Chip is not completely primed
Prime and load a new chip
Samples are too concentrated; RNA levels are
out of range of assay
Dilute the samples and repeat the analysis
RNA ladder or samples
appear degraded
RNase contamination of electrodes, reagents,
or consumables
Improper storage
Perform the deep cleaning procedure described in
Appendix B and software Help section (search term
Use only 0.2 µm-filtered water (such as Experion DEPC-
treated water) for diluting samples and the RNA ladder
Use RNase-free consumables and RNase-free, filter pipet
tips; change pipet tips with each use
Store RNA ladder and samples appropriately (for example,
at –70°C)
7.3 Contacting Technical Support
If you are having problems with a run and would like the Bio-Rad Technical Support team to review your
data, please submit the following files to LSG_TechServ_US@bio-rad .com for analysis:
Run file (C:\Program Files\Bio-Rad Laboratories\Experion Software\Data\ name>\ n Run log (C:\Program Files\Bio-Rad Laboratories\Experion Software\Data\ name>\ n Packet file (C:\Program Files\Bio-Rad Laboratories\Experion Software\Data\ name>\Packet\ n System log (C:\Program Files\Bio-Rad Laboratories\Experion Software\Backup\Version X\ Experion_System.log or .txt) n Lot numbers of the RNA chips and the Experion RNA analysis kit To export the run file, log file, and packet file, select the run(s) in the tree view and click Export Selected Experion RNA StdSens and HighSens Analysis Kits
Runs. The software exports the files into folders with the corresponding project name(s).