Experion automated electrophoresis system – Bio-Rad Experion RNA Analysis Kits User Manual

Page 48

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Probable Cause

Recommended Action

Peaks are small, broad, or
missing in some samples
but present in other samples
on the same chip

Contaminants are present

Prepare samples in a different buffer or dilute in water

Do not use autoclaved water for diluting samples or
ladder. Use only high-quality 0.2 µm-filtered water (such as
Experion DEPC-treated water)

RNA ladder and samples were not denatured

Heat samples and RNA ladder for 2 min at 70°C before

Do not use RNA ladder that has been repeatedly heated and

Late migration (peaks
broaden and are delayed
over the course of the run)

Turn analysis off (see Section 6.5, Turning Analysis Off, for
more information). Late migration is indicated if there is a
drift in the migration of lower marker across the chip. Refer
to the troubleshooting tips that follow

Air bubbles are interfering with electrical
contact in one or more of the wells

Stop run, remove chip, and use a clean pipet tip to remove
or dislodge the bubbles, or remove and replace the solution
in affected wells

When pipetting, insert the tip vertically and to bottom of the
well. Dispense liquids slowly. Do not expel air at the end of
the pipetting step. Dispense only to the first stop

Peaks migrating faster than
usual; electropherogram
appears compressed

Electrophoresis station temperature is
inappropriate or fluctuating during run (should
be 30–35°C); there is no cooling unit in the
electrophoresis station, so if the temperature
changes during the run, samples exhibit
different separation characteristics

Ensure the temperature of the room is appropriate and
stable, and place the electrophoresis station away from all
heat sources, such as windows or ovens

Sizing is incorrect

RNA ladder peaks and lower markers were
improperly assigned by the software

Manually assign lower marker (follow instructions in Section
6.1, Manually Setting a Marker), if necessary

Quantitation is incorrect

Lower marker was not properly assigned by
the software

Check that lower marker was properly assigned. Manually
select the marker, if necessary (follow instructions in Section
6.1, Manually Setting a Marker)

Pipetting and/or dilution errors occurred during
sample preparation or chip loading

Ensure calculations and dilutions are correct

Ensure pipets are calibrated, and use pipets that accurately
deliver volumes of ≤10 µl

Do not modify the sample preparation and loading protocols
described in this manual

Ensure the total RNA concentration of samples is within the
linear dynamic range; if total RNA concentration is unknown,
analyze a sample dilution series

Review the essential practices described in Chapter 2
before initiating another analysis with a new chip

Samples are old or have not been stored
properly and RNA degraded

Prepare fresh samples and try the analysis again

Ghost peaks or
contaminants appear in

Electrodes are contaminated

Perform the deep cleaning procedure described in
Appendix B and software Help section (search term

Use only 0.2 µm-filtered water (such as Experion DEPC-
treated water) for diluting samples and the RNA ladder;
do not use autoclaved water

RNA ladder degraded

Aliquot the RNA ladder for single use and store at –70°C

Experion Automated Electrophoresis System