Isoelectric focusing – Bio-Rad GS-900™ Calibrated Densitometer User Manual

Page 58

background image


Problem Cause


Low or zero current,

With a precast gel, the tape

Remove the tape

and samples do not

at the bottom of the gel cassette

migrate into the gel

was not removed

Insufficient buffer in the inner

Fill the inner and outer buffer chambers

or outer buffer chamber

to ensure that the IPG well is

completely covered

Electrical disconnection

Check the electrodes and connections

Running time slower or

Incorrect running buffer

Check the buffer composition and type

faster than expected

concentration or type

Leaking from inner

Incomplete gasket seal

Wet the gasket with running buffer

buffer chamber

before use

Improper assembly of the gel

Ensure that the top edge of the short

into the electrode/ companion

plate fits under the notch at the top


of the gasket

Ensure that the top of the short plate

touches the green gasket

Isoelectric Focusing

Problem Cause


Initial low or zero current

Poor contact between IPG strips

Make sure that the gel side of the IPG strip

and electrodes

is in contact with the electrode

For the gel-side down configuration with



cell, use the IPG

strip retainers

Incomplete wetting of

Wet the electrode wicks with distilled or

electrode wicks

deionized H


O until they are damp, but not

soaking wet

Incomplete IPG strip rehydration

Check the rehydration volumes and times

for the lengths of IPG strips used

No current in any lane

No contact between the

Make sure that:

electrode assembly and

The electrode assembly is properly

IPG strips

seated in the focusing tray

The IPG strips are positioned correctly,

(for example, that the gel is in direct

contact with the electrode)

No contact between the

Make sure that:

electrode assembly

The gold contact pin of the negative (–)

and instrument

assembly is in direct contact with the

cathode bar on the instrument

The positive (+) assembly is completely

inserted into the anode of the instrument

Voltage does not

High levels of ionic contaminants

Keep salt concentrations under 40 mM;

increase beyond initial

in sample solution (optimum salt

if necessary, desalt the sample

low voltage steps

concentration is ~10 mM, though

(for example with Micro Bio-Spin


up to 40 mM can be tolerated)

columns or the ReadyPrep

2-D cleanup kit)

Salt collects in electrode wicks, so
replace electrode wicks from time to time
(every 2 hr) during the initial low-voltage
steps. Several hours may be needed for
ionic contaminants to leave IPG strips

Voltage does not reach

Programmed voltage is too

Lower the voltage maximum set for the

programmed value,

high for the pH range and

focusing step; the conductivity and the

or maximum voltage is

length of IPG strip

length and type of IPG strip determine the

reached very slowly.

voltage maximum that can be reached

Note: good focusing
may be obtained even
if programmed voltage
is never reached

Ampholyte concentration is

Lower the ampholyte concentration

too high. Up to 1% (v/v)



ampholytes may

be used, but ampholytes

increase conductivity;

therefore, voltage will be lower

with increasing concentrations

Isoelectric Focusing


Problem Cause


Excess sample during rehydration Use correct rehydration volumes for

did not enter gel, or IPG gels are

the lengths of the IPG strips used

overswelled with excess sample

Voltage is too high for the IPG

Program Vh for the IEF step to ensure

strip size and pH gradient

complete focusing of the sample

Large fluctuations in

IPG strips contain poorly

Check rehydration volumes and times

voltage and current

rehydrated regions, or IPG strips

have dried out during the run

Make sure that the rehydration solution is

evenly distributed during rehydration and

that the IPG strips are completely covered

with mineral oil

Burning of strips

Current limit is too high

Use a current limit of 50 µA/IPG strip

IPG strips have dried out

Make sure that the IPG strips are covered
with mineral oil or equivalent

Electrode wicks are too wet or

Wet the electrode wicks with distilled

contain incorrect electrode solution or deionized H


O until they are damp,

not soaking wet

Incorrect rehydration

Check the composition of the

solution composition

rehydration solution

Sample is leaking from

Cup positioning is incorrect

When positioning the cup holder, make

the sample cups

sure that it clicks into place at the edges

of the focusing tray

The cup is positioned in an

Make sure that the IPG strips are

area of the IPG strip that is

rehydrated evenly and thoroughly

not completely rehydrated

The cup is malfunctioning

Replace cup



2-D Electrophoresis Guide
