Hmc-410 – Tweco HMC-410 User Manual

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July 27, 2005

executing tries to advance to a segment that is OFF or is
in the fourth sub segment, execution passes to the first
sub segment.

The auxiliary interface also provides three relay closure
signals to the fixturing. These relays provide information
on which phase of the weld cycle is active, as well as an
error output relay for fault notification. Relay 1 will close
during the weld segment of the weld. Relay 2 will close during
the recycle segment of the weld cycle. The error relay will
close during a tolerance or ground fault condition.

During weld cycle execution, the front panel will display
arc voltage, arc current and wire feed speed. Also, if
enabled, trim is active on the front panel.

For more information on the auxiliary interface, refer to
sections Fixturing Setup (located in this chapter) and
Auxiliary description located in the Description of
Equipment chapter.

Semiautomatic Operation

The HMC-410 has a wide variety of modes in which it can
operate when in a semiautomatic configuration. There are
four items which greatly impact how the control will react
to the gun trigger. They are:

Weld segment time — continuous/non-continuous

Weld sub segment enable — see soft switch

Trigger hold enable — see soft switch description

Recycle count — if non-continuous weld segment time

When in the ready mode, the front panel INCH will feed
wire through the gun. The front panel GAS PURGE will
purge gas. Also, the INCH on the feeder package will feed
wire through the gun (if applicable).

When welding, the front panel displays arc voltage and
arc current/wire feed speed. Trim is active if enabled. Also,
at the completion of the weld the panel will continue to
display the last displayed values for arc voltage, arc
current, and wire feed speed. These will be displayed on
the lower and center displays in 1 second intervals for
the amount of time programmed in the recycle time. This
way the welder may view his welding parameters.

The following sections will describe how the control will
react to the gun trigger based on the control setup. The
‘hold’ modes are enabled by turning trigger hold on. The
‘multi segment’ operation is enabled by turning weld sub
segment on and programming the sub segments.

Manual Trigger Modes

Manual modes are selected with CONtinuous weld times.

Manual Single Segment Deadman Operation

Trigger pull and hold through weld, release advances to
crater fill.

Manual Multi Segment Deadman Operation

Pull and hold trigger through weld. Flicker the gun trigger
to advance to the next weld segment. Release for more
than one second to advance to crater fill.

Manual Single Segment Hold Operation

Pull and release the gun trigger before one second of the
weld segment has executed. If the gun trigger is still held
one second into the weld segment, the mode is considered
Manual Single Segment Deadman Operation. The next
time the gun trigger is pulled, the weld cycle continues
with crater fill.

Manual Multi Segment Hold Operation

Pull and release the gun trigger before one second of the
weld segment has executed. If the gun trigger is still held
one second into the weld segment, the mode is considered
Manual Multi Segment Deadman Operation. Flicker the
gun trigger to advance to the next weld segment. The
next time the gun trigger is pulled, the weld cycle
continues with crater fill.

Spot/Stitch Trigger Modes

Spot modes are selected with Non Continuous weld times.
Stitch is selected with recycle count more than one.

Spot Deadman Operation —Recycle count is

programmed to one

Trigger pull and hold through the end of the weld segment,
release resets for the next spot weld. Releasing the trigger
before the end of the weld segment advances to crater

Stitch Deadman Operation — Recycle count is

programmed to more than one

Trigger pull and hold through the end of the stitch, release
resets for the next stitch weld. Releasing the trigger before
the end of the stitch cycle advances to crater fill and ends
the current stitch cycle.