Rockwell Automation 2706-LV2P_LV2R_LV4P_LV4R DL40 PLUS USER MANUAL User Manual

Page 193

background image




Last chassis DIP switch, 10–4

Length of message list, 8–5

Line number, specifying, 2–10

Logic, high/low true, 7–4

Logic voltage levels, 7–6

Logical specifications, 8–11

Low true logic, 7–4


Message list, 7–1, 7–2, 7–10– 7–11,

8–26– 8–27

length of, 8–5
run mode, 5–3
with open protocol, 6–8

Message number, 8–5, 8–6

priority, 8–6

Message/variable mode, 5–2, 8–25

with open protocol, 6–7

Message/variable/slave mode, 5–2, 7–1,

7–2, 7–7, 8–17– 8–19

triggering rules, 7–8
with open protocol, 6–5


acknowledgement, 2–14
attributes, 2–9
Autorun number, 2–17
background, 1–10, 2–17
chaining, 1–10, 2–12
completion of, 8–2
creating, 2–4
creating/editing, 2–5
editing, 2–4
hidden, 1–10, 2–14
inserting date, 2–9
inserting time, 2–8
inserting variables, 2–6
newest on line 1, 2–17
printing, 2–10
queueing, 2–18, 2–19
repeating, 2–12
scrolling, 2–10
sending to slaves, 2–11
sending to stack, 2–13
slave message length, 2–14
special, 1–13, 3–1
special message start number, 2–18

specifying line number, 2–10
support, 1–3
testing, 2–9
triggering – open protocol, 6–5
wait time, 2–11
with variables, 2–9

Mnemonic, strobe line, 4–12

Mode, 1–11

bit trigger, 5–1
clock, 4–9
debug, 4–11
help, 4–1
historical recall, 4–1– 4–12
message list, 5–1, 7–1, 7–2
message/variable, 5–1
message/variable/slave, 5–1, 7–1, 7–2
print, 4–11
remote program, 4–6
resume run mode special message, 3–8
run, 2–16
run modes, 5–1
set port, 4–7


New messages, 2–17

Num Lock key, 1–16

Numbering systems, binary vs. BCD, 7–4


Offline Programmer, 2–1

Offline Programming Software, 1–2, 1–5

Onboard Editor, 1–7, 2–1

entering, 2–2
exiting, 2–2
menu tree, 2–3
modifying port settings, 1–2
options, 2–15

Open protocol, 6–5

message list mode, 6–8
message/variable mode, 6–7
message/variable/slave mode, 6–5
sending variables, 6–9, 6–10
triggering messages, 6–5

Operating modes, 1–11

Options, 1–16

Output image table, 8–25