Rockwell Automation 1771-DB BASIC MODULE User Manual
Page 385

relational expressions, 9-1
relational operator, 9-9
equal to (=), 9-9
greater than (>), 9-9
greater than or equal to (>=),
less than (< ), 9-9
less than or equal to (< =), 9-9
not equal to (), 9-9
relational operators, 9-9
REM, 11-32
remove module from I/O chassis,
REN, 10-16
renumbering a program, 6-3
See also REN
replace a string in a string, CALL
65, 12-64
battery, 3-8
memory modules, 3-5
replacing components, 3-1
reset module, CALL 0, 12-2
reset print head pointer, CALL 99,
reset PRT1 to default settings,
CALL 105, 13-37
reset PRT2 port to default settings,
CALL 119, 13-56
reset switch, SOC-3, 1-12, 12-2,
See also CALL 0
RESTORE, 11-32
See also DATA, READ
RETI, 11-33
retrieve number of characters in
PRT2 port buffers, CALL 36,
retrieve numeric input character
from ASCII port, CALL 35, 12-34
See also GET@
See also GOSUB
return to ROM/RAM, CALL 72,
RJ45 cable connector,
1747-C10,-C11, 2-3
RND, functional operator, 9-12
ROM, 10-17
See also RAM, RROM, XFER,
CALLs 70, 71, 72
ROM memory, definition, Using-3
ROM to RAM program transfer,
CALL 70, 13-2
ROM/RAM return, CALL 72,
ROM/RAM to ROM program
transfer, CALL 71, 13-3
RROM, 10-18
See also RAM, ROM, XFER,
CALLs 70, 71, 72
RS-232, 2-2
RS-232/423, definition, Using-3
RS-422, definition, Using-3
RS-485, definition, Using-3
RS-232 interface, 2-9
RS-232 network, 12-24
RS-422 network, 12-24
RS-485 interface, 2-9
RS-485 network, 12-24
RS-232 interface, 4-4, A-6
RS-422, 2-2
RS-485, 2-2
RUN, 10-19
See also Control C
run mode, 4-1
running a program, 4-9
See also RUN
SA/SB data recorder, SOC-5
sample block-transfer BASIC
program, 5-7
sample ladder logic