Call 104: print prt1 receive buffer and pointer, Call 105: reset prt1 to default settings – Rockwell Automation 1771-DB BASIC MODULE User Manual
Page 295
Call Routines 69–127
13 -37
Use CALL 104 to print the complete PRT1 receive buffer with address,
front pointer, and number of characters in the buffer to the console screen.
Use this information as a troubleshooting aid. It does not affect the
contents of the buffer.
Input and Output Arguments
This routine has no input or output arguments.
CALL 104
>CALL 104
PRT1 Input Queue
6C00H 33H 0DH 43H 41H 4CH 4CH 20H 31H 30H 34H 7FH 7FH 7FH 7FH 7FH 7FH
6C10H 7FH 7FH 52H 45H 4DH 20H 45H 58H 41H 4DH 50H 4CH 45H 53H 7FH 7FH
6C20H 7FH 7FH 7FH 7FH 7FH 7FH 7FH 7FH 7FH 7FH 0DH 0DH 0DH 0DH 0DH 0DH
6C30H 0DH 0DH 0DH 45H 58H 41H 4DH 7FH 7FH 7FH 7FH 52H 45H 4DH 20H 45H
6C40H 58H 41H 4DH 50H 4CH 45H 53H 20H 4FH 4EH 20H 50H 41H 47H 45H 20H
6C50H 36H 2DH 37H 0DH 43H 41H 4CH 4CH 20H 31H 30H 34H 0DH 52H 4DH 41H
6C60H 4EH 54H 20H 7FH 7FH 7FH 54H 20H 44H 41H 54H 41H 0DH 52H 45H 4DH
6C70H 20H 54H 48H 45H 52H 45H 20H 49H 53H 20H 4EH 4FH 20H 52H 45H 41H
6C80H 4CH 20H 52H 45H 53H 50H 4FH 4EH 53H 45H 20H 57H 48H 49H 43H 48H
6C90H 20H 57H 49H 4CH 4CH 20H 53H 48H 4FH 57H 20H 55H 50H 20H 49H 4EH
6CA0H 20H 41H 4EH 20H 45H 58H 41H 4DH 50H 4CH 45H 0DH 0DH 0DH 0DH 0DH
6CB0H 52H 45H 4DH 20H 45H 58H 41H 4DH 50H 4CH 45H 53H 20H 4FH 4EH 20H
6CC0H 50H 41H 47H 45H 20H 36H 2DH 36H 0DH 50H 55H 53H 48H 20H 38H 30H
6CD0H 30H 30H 48H 3AH 50H 7FH 7FH 20H 70H 55H 53H 7FH 7FH 7FH 3AH 20H
6CE0H 50H 55H 53H 48H 20H 38H 30H 7FH 30H 34H 46H 48H 20H 3AH 43H 41H
6CF0H 4CH 4CH 20H 31H 30H 31H 0DH 0DH 0DH 43H 41H 4CH 4CH 20H 31H 30H
Input queue front pointer is: 6C5DH
Use this call to set the PRT1 port to 1200 bit/s, 8 bits, 1 stop bit, no parity,
and software handshaking.
Input and Output Arguments
This routine has no input or output arguments.
CALL 105
>CALL 105
CALL 104: Print PRT1
Receive Buffer and Pointer
CALL 105: Reset PRT1 to
Default Settings