Rockwell Automation 1771-DB BASIC MODULE User Manual
Page 236

Call Routines 0–68
12 -46
This call is active until you re-execute it with different input parameters.
Input and Output Arguments
This call has ten input arguments and one output argument.
input 1
type of DH-485 READ
12 -46
input 2
node address of the DH-485 remote device (0 through 31)
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input 3
file number on the DH-485 remote device (0 through 255)
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input 4
file type to be read from the remote device
12 -47
input 5
starting word offset within the file on the remote device (0
through 32766)
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input 6
number of words to be transferred
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input 7
the message time-out value
12 -47
input 8
the selection of the destination file and/or string
12 -48
input 9
always 1
12 -48
input 10
the string number
12 -48
output 1
call status
12 -48
To disable this call, you must PUSH a 0 into the first input parameter.
All other parameters are ignored, but you must still PUSH them.
Input Argument One
The first input argument is the type of DH-485 READ command issued:
0 = disable the previously executed CALL 49
1 = common interface file (CIF) read
2 = SLC typed read
Input Argument Two
The second input argument is the node address of the DH-485 remote
device (0 through 31). If the number is not within this range, the status
equals 2 and the read message does not occur.
Input Argument Three
The third input argument is the file number on the DH-485 remote device
(0 through 255). If the number is not within this range, the status equals 2
and the read message does not occur. The parameter is ignored if you
choose the Common Interface File (CIF) in the first parameter. The CIF is
always file 9.