Rockwell Automation 1769-ADN Compact I/O 1769-ADN DeviceNet Adapter User Manual
Page 184

Publication 1769-UM001B-EN-P - October 2002
B-26 Explicit Messaging Application Examples
Object does not exist - The object specified does not exist in the
Reserved by DeviceNet
No stored attribute data - The attribute data of this object was not
saved prior to the requested service.
Store operation failure - The attribute data of this object was not
saved due to a failure during the attempt.
Reserved by DeviceNet for future extensions
Reserved by DeviceNet for future extensions
Missing attribute list entry data - The service did not supply an
attribute in a list of attributes that was needed by the service to
perform the requested behavior.
Invalid attribute value list - The service is returning the list of
attributes supplied with status information for those attributes that
were invalid.
Reserved by DeviceNet for future extensions
Vendor specific error - A vendor specific error has been encountered.
The Additional Code Field of the Error Response defines the particular
error encountered. Use of this General Error Code should only be
performed when none of the Error Codes presented in this table or
within an Object Class definition accurately reflect the error.
Invalid parameter - A parameter associated with the request was
invalid. This code is used when a parameter does not meet the
requirements of this specification and/or the requirements defined in
an Application Object Specification.
Reserved by DeviceNet for future extensions
Unexpected attribute in list - An attempt was made to set an attribute
that is not able to be set at this time.
Invalid Member ID - The Member ID specified in the request does not
exist in the specified Class/Instance/Attribute.
Member not settable - A request to modify a non-modifiable member
was received.
Group 2 only server general failure - This error code may only be
reported by Group 2 Only servers with 4K or less code space and only
in place of Service not supported, Attribute not supported, and
Attribute not settable.
Reserved by DeviceNet for future extensions
Reserved for Object Class and service errors - This range of error codes
is to be used to indicate Object Class specific errors. Use of this range
should only be performed when none of the Error Code presented in
this table accurately reflect the error that was encountered. Note that
the Additional Code Field is available for use in further describing any
General Error Code.
Error Code
Description of Error