Link processing faults – Rockwell Automation 1336T Function Block Prog. Manual, Series A/B User Manual
Page 60

System Interactions
1336 FORCE — 5.9 August 1995
Even though the links appear to be processed as part of the
download and compile operation, the links are actually
processed after the compilation is complete. The two processes,
compiling and linking, are separate. Therefore, if the drive finds
a function block link fault after a compile, and no other function
block compiler faults are indicated in the fault queue, you can
adjust the link without recompiling the execution list. The rest of
your application will still be valid.
A link processing error is indicated by the first function block fault
status word having bit 1 set or a value of 0x002
. If a link
processing error occurs, the second fault word, which is designated
the code identifier, holds a reference to the first input parameter or
node it found which has an invalid link reference. You can read the
status words from the drive via the block transfer services.
Chapters 5 and 6 provide additional information about the clear
function block links service and reading status words.
You cannot clear function block faults with a clear fault operation
without first addressing the problem. The function block system will
not make an assumption about what to do with an illegal link. You
are forced to either clear the link to this node or reconnect the node
to a valid node. After you do this, the clear faults mechanism can
clear the faults and allow the drive to run.
If multiple link faults occur, you can either remove all the function
block links with the clear function block links service and then clear
the faults, or you can continue reading the code identifier to find the
individual link errors and correct each link, one at a time.
Link Processing Faults