Applying power to the drive – Rockwell Automation LPM20 Liquid-Cooled AC Drive with High Performance Drive Control User Manual

Page 52

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Start Up

Applying Power to the Drive

6. Apply AC power and control voltages to the drive.

If any digital input is configured to “Stop – CF” (CF = Clear Fault) or
“Enable,” verify that signals are present or the drive will not start. For a
list of potential digital input conflicts or if a fault code appears, please
refer to the PowerFlex 700S High Performance AC Drive — Phase II
Control User Manual (Publication No. 20D-UM006

), Chapter 4.

7. Examine the Inverter Status and Rectifier Status LEDs located on the

DPI Communications Interface Board on the front of the power module

Figure 2.1

). Verify that they are flashing green. If not in this state,

refer to the descriptions in

Figure 3.1

. Also, check the possible causes

shown in

Table 2.A

and take necessary corrective action.

Table 2.A Common Causes of a Pre-Start Alarm

8. Proceed to Start-Up routine.

Examine Par 156 - [Run Inhibit Status]




No power is present at the Enable Terminal (TB2 -Terminal 16).

Apply the enable.

2, 3, 4 A stop command is being issued.

Close all stop inputs.


Power loss event is in progress, indicating a loss of the AC input voltage.

Restore AC power.


Data supplied by the power structure EEprom is invalid or corrupt.

Cycle power. If problem persists, replace the power structure.


Flash update in progress.

Complete Flash procedures.


Drive is expecting a Start Edge and is receiving a continuous signal.

Open all start buttons and remove all start commands.


Drive is expecting a Jog Edge and is receiving a continuous signal.

Open all jog buttons and remove all jog commands.


A conflict exists between the Encoder PPR programming (Par 232 or 242)
and the encoder configuration for edge counts (Par 233 or 243, bits 4 and 5).

Verify encoder data and reprogram.


The drive cannot precharge because a precharge input is programmed and
no signal is present.

Reprogram the input or close the precharge control contact.



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Start input configured but stop not configured.

Program Par 838-840 to include a stop button; rewire the drive.

Run input configured but control options do not match.

Program Par 153, Bit 8 to “0” (2 wire control).

Start input configured but control options do not match.

Program Par 153, Bit 8 to “1” (3 wire control).

Multiple inputs configured as Start or Run.

Reprogram Par 838-840 so multiple starts, multiple runs or any
combination do not exist.

Multiple inputs configured as Jog1.

Program Par 838-840 so only (1) is set to Jog1.

Multiple inputs configured as Jog 2.

Program Par 838-840 so only (1) is set to Jog2.

Multiple inputs configured as Fwd/Rev.

Program Par 838-840 so only (1) is set to Fwd/Rev.


Invalid Feedback Device for Permanent Magnet Motor Control

Set Par 222 to a value of “5” (FB Opt Port0)