Rockwell Automation 22-COMM-D DeviceNet Adapter User Manual
Page 136

mechanical dimensions, A-1
messages, refer to Explicit Messages
MOD status indicator
locating, 8-1
troubleshooting with, 8-3
modes of operation, 1-6
mounting the adapter, 2-5 to 2-6
Multi-Drive mode
additional information, 7-22
Explicit messaging, 7-20
ladder logic program example, 7-6
setting with the jumper, 2-3
system wiring, 7-3
using, 7-1
versus Single mode, 7-1
NET A status indicator
locating, 8-1
troubleshooting with, 8-4
NET B status indicator
node address
definition, G-6
setting with a parameter, 3-7
setting with switches, 2-2
Non-Volatile Storage (NVS)
definition, G-6
in adapter, 3-1
in drive, 6-1
ODVA DeviceNet specification, G-3
operating status, 1-6
Parameter Group object, C-11
Parameter object, C-8
accessing, 3-1
active configuration, 3-12
convention, P-2
editing with RSNetWorx, 3-6
list of, B-1 to B-4
numbers, B-1
definition, G-6
supported feature, 1-2
PCCC object, C-13
example program for Explicit
Messages, 6-11
example program for I/O, 5-7
formatting Explicit Messages, 6-4
plug, 2-4
configuring a scanner for, 4-4
configuring an adapter for, 3-8
definition, G-6
PORT status indicator
locating, 8-1
troubleshooting with, 8-2
power consumption, A-1
PowerFlex drives, G-6
4/40 Logic Command/Status, D-1
adding to the scan list, 4-2
compatible with adapter, 1-3
HIM, 3-2
installing adapter on, 2-5
mapping I/O in the scanner, 4-5
preparing for an installation, 2-1
processor, refer to controller
producer/consumer network, G-7