Lenze MCH Series User Manual

Page 30

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Follow the procedure given below to check the motor rotation:

Use the q key to decrease the speed setpoint to the minimum value allowed (0.50

Hz if Parameter 10 - MIN FREQ has not been changed).


Press the HAND (START) key. The drive should indicate RUN, but if the speed

setpoint is 0.50 Hz, the motor may not rotate. Press the p key to increase the

speed setpoint until the motor starts to rotate.


If the motor is rotating in the wrong direction, press the OFF (STOP) key and

remove power from the drive. Wait three minutes for the bus capacitors to

discharge, and swap any two of the motor wires connected to T1, T2 and T3.

NOTE 1: The drive is phase insensitive with respect to incoming line voltage. Therefore,

to change the motor rotation, the phases must be swapped at the drive output

terminals or at the motor.

NOTE 2: If the drive is equipped with the Bypass option, motor rotation must be

checked in both drive mode and bypass mode.

To check rotation in Drive mode:

Select Drive Mode using the Drive Mode/Off/Bypass Mode switch.


Select Drive Normal using the Drive Test/Off/Drive Normal switch.


Select HAND using the HAND/OFF/AUTO switch. The drive should start, allowing

the motor rotation to be checked.

To check rotation in Bypass mode:

Select Bypass Mode using the Drive Mode/Off/Bypass Mode switch.


Select Drive Normal using the Drive Test/Off/Drive Normal switch.


Momentarily put the Hand/Off/Auto switch into Hand to "bump" the motor so

rotation can be checked.

If rotation is incorrect in both modes, swap any two motor leads at the output terminals

(thermal overload terminals).
If rotation is correct in drive mode but incorrect in bypass mode, swap any two leads at

the main input power terminals.
If rotation is incorrect in drive mode, but correct in bypass mode, swap any two leads at

the main input terminals AND any two leads at the output terminals (thermal overload
