Drag closing attachment, Covering discs/single press wheel adjustment, Drag closing attachment -2 – Kinze 3700 Front Folding Planter Rev. 7/14 User Manual
Page 50: Covering discs/single press wheel adjustment -2

Model 3700
Rev. 10/11
Row Unit Operation
Eccentric bushings in the wheel arm stop allow for lateral adjustment of covering discs/single press wheel assembly.
Use a ¾" wrench to loosen hardware attaching closing wheel arm to wheel arm stop. Use another ¾" wrench to turn
eccentric bushings until covering discs/single press wheel assembly
is aligned with seed trench. Tighten hardware. Two
sets of holes in mounting arm locate covering discs for staggered or side-by-side operation. Five sets of holes in each
disc bracket allow ½" incremental blade depth adjustment. Slotted holes in disc mount and bracket allow for 0° - 15°
blade angle adjustment. Adjust covering discs on all row units to similar settings.
Check operation of covering discs/single press wheels after adjusting planting depth. Initial press wheel down force
spring setting is 2½" between mounting arm tab and locking nut. Loosen ½" locking nut and turn adjusting bolt in to
increase down force or out to decrease down force. Tighten locking nut against spring plug. Adjust all row units to a
similar setting.
COvering diSCS/SingLe preSS wheeL adJUSTMenT
Drag closing attachment pulls loose soil over seed trench.
nOTe: Use of a seed firming wheel or other seed firming
device is recommended with drag closing attachment.
Front and rear adjustment is made using slotted holes in
blades. Adjust all rows the same. Wheel arm stop eccentric
bushings provide lateral adjustment. Use a ¾" wrench to
loosen closing wheel arm to wheel arm stop hardware. Use
another ¾" wrench to turn eccentric bushings until drag closing
is aligned with seed trench. Tighten hardware.
drag CLOSing aTTaChMenT
" Locking nut
Adjusting bolt
Wheel arm stop
press wheel down force adjustment
Covering disc adjustments
Locate for staggered or
side-by-side operation
Blade depth
Blade angle
drag closing attachment
Adjustment slots