Cleaning finger pickup seed meter for storage, Cleaning finger pickup seed meter for storage -15 – Kinze 3700 Front Folding Planter Rev. 7/14 User Manual
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Model 3700
Rev. 10/11
Lubrication and Maintenance
Remove four cap screws around edge of housing cover and nut from belt idler mounting bolt. Paddles must be correctly
oriented as shown above If belt is replaced. A diagram molded into drive sprocket shows correct orientation.
do not over-tighten hardware or components may be damaged.
CLeaning finger piCKUp Seed MeTer fOr STOrage
1. Disassemble meter and blow out any foreign material.
2. Wash ONLY in mild soap and water. Do not use gasoline, kerosene, or any other petroleum based product. Dry
3. Coat lightly with a rust inhibiter.
4. Rotate finger assembly so finger does not touch brush.
5. Reassemble and store in a dry, rodent-free location.
Reinstall housing cover. DO NOT TIGHTEN hardware. Wedge a screwdriver between sprocket hub and housing cover
as shown above. Pry cover down until centered on belt housing and tighten hardware. Rotate meter drive shaft and
check idler alignment. Seed belt should “run” centered on idler or with only slight contact with belt housing or cover.
Belt housing cover
Idler mounting bolt
Cap screw
belt idler
Centering belt housing cover