Fertilizer check valve cleaning and repair, Piston pump storage, Low-rate liquid fertilizer system – Kinze 3700 Front Folding Planter Rev. 7/14 User Manual

Page 132

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Model 3700


Rev. 12/12


Lubrication and Maintenance


entrance of air into pump will cause rapid and severe corrosion.
Keep air OUT Of pUMp!

nOTe: SUSpenSiOn ferTiLiZer must be flushed from pump for any storage period.

1. Flush pump with 5 to 10 gallons of fresh water and circulate until all corrosive salts are dissolved in pump.

2. Set pump on 10. Draw in a mixture of half diesel fuel and 10 weight oil until discharge is clean. Plug inlet and

piSTOn pUMp STOrage

LOw-raTe LiqUid ferTiLiZer SySTeM

Clean strainers daily.

Flush all lines with water for 30 to 60 seconds then drain water before storage.

ferTiLiZer CheCK vaLve CLeaning and repair

1. Unscrew valve body and separate halves. Note direction and location of parts.

2. Clean and inspect parts. Flush with clean water. Replace damaged parts.

3. Reassemble exactly as shown. O-ring and valve seat must be firmly in place inside each half of valve body.

Direction of flow

Valve seat

Valve ball


