Hydraulic/electric operation, Hydraulic/electric operation -12 – Kinze 3700 Front Folding Planter Rev. 7/14 User Manual

Page 22

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Model 3700


Rev. 10/11


Machine Operation

Control console switches and tractor’s hydraulic system are used to raise planter to transport position, operate rotate
and tongue extension functions, lock and release planter wings, and raise and lower row markers.

nOTe: Turn console backlighting Off during extended periods of non-use using push button switch on back
of console.

hydraULiC/eLeCTriC OperaTiOn

Single point row clutch control box

Two dual remote hydraulic outlets (SCV) are required on all sizes of conventional planters equipped with row
markers. Three dual remote hydraulic outlets (SCV) are required on all sizes of ASD planters equipped with row
markers. One set of outlets is used to operate lift function, one set is used to operate markers, tongue and fold/unfold
functions and the third set is used to operate ASD functions (If Applicable).

Marker and point row selector switches are an ON-OFF-ON type. If planter is equipped with optional Two-Speed Point

Row Clutch Package, point row switch and reduced rate switch operate independently from rest of control console.

Power to marker switch is fed through auxiliary switch and two transport function switches. Operating any lower row

switch disables markers and turns off marker indicator light.

Raise/wing lock and rotate/tongue (fold function) switches are MOMENTARY ON-OFF-MOMENTARY ON type and must

be held in position while operating tractor hydraulic SCV control. Activating a fold function switch disables marker circuit.


Marker selector switch must be Off (center position) when not in
use to prevent accidental extension which could result in death or
serious injury, or damage to property and equipment. an indicator
light on control box panel is On whenever marker circuits or point
row clutch circuits are energized.

Auxiliary switch is not used. Keep switch OFF at all times.

nOTe: activating auxiliary switch disables all other control console switches except point row clutch switch.

Two-speed point row clutch control box