Contact wheel drive sprockets, Seed rate transmission adjustment, Contact wheel drive sprockets -9 – Kinze 3700 Front Folding Planter Rev. 7/14 User Manual
Page 19: Seed rate transmission adjustment -9

Model 3700
Rev. 10/11
Machine Operation
Contact wheel drive works the same for mechanical or EdgeVac planters except for sprocket size. Chain tension is
controlled by a spring-loaded sprocket idler. Planting rate charts in “Rate Chart” section help you select correct sprockets.
nOTe: Make a field test after each sprocket combination change to be sure you are planting at desired rate.
22 tooth, 28 tooth or 44 tooth sprockets at each contact drive wheel can be exchanged with sprockets on storage rod
bolted to wheel module on each side of planter chains. 22 tooth sprockets require 148 pitch No. 40 chains. 28
tooth sprockets require 150 pitch chains. 44 tooth sprockets require use 158 pitch chains.
nOTe: 22, 28 and 44 tooth drive sprockets do nOT apply to all rate charts. Check chart titles to make sure proper
rate chart is selected.
nOTe: 54 cell sunflower disc uses 15 tooth drive sprocket at contact wheels and 28 tooth drive sprocket at wheel
module reverser plates with 19 tooth sprocket. 15 tooth sprockets require 144 pitch no. 40 chains. applicable
sprockets, chains and instructions supplied in g1K469 Sunflower rate reduction Kit.
Seed planting rate charts are based on standard rate drive. Standard rate drive uses a 30 tooth sprocket and No. 40 118
pitch chain on each contact wheel. Optional half-rate (2 to 1) drive is recommended only when population falls below planting
rate charts. Replace 30 tooth sprocket on each contact wheel with a 15 tooth sprocket and shorter No. 40 110 pitch chain.
This reduces planter transmission speed and planting and application rates by approximately 50%.
COnTaCT wheeL drive SprOCKeTS
Contact wheel drive
Optional half-rate drive sprocket
Sprocket idler
Contact drive wheel sprocket
Planting population rate changes are made using seed
rate transmissions at end of each planter wing. Seed
rate transmissions allow simple, rapid changes of
sprockets by removing lynch pins on hexagon shafts
and changing sprockets with those from the sprocket
storage rod bolted to transmissions.
Chain tension is controlled by a spring-loaded dual
sprocket idler. Idler assembly is adjusted with a easy-
release idler arm with a release position to adjust
spring tension for planting or remove spring tension
for replacing sprockets. See ‘‘Wrap Spring Wrench
A decal on the transmission (behind chain idler) shows proper chain routing. "Rate Charts" section of this manual will
help you select correct sprocket combinations.
Seed rate transmission
Seed raTe TranSMiSSiOn adJUSTMenT