Tractor requirements, Tractor requirements -4 – Kinze 3700 Front Folding Planter Rev. 7/14 User Manual
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Model 3700
Rev. 10/11
Machine Operation
TraCTOr reqUireMenTS
vacuum fan assembly with oil cooler
Oil cooler
Edgevac equipped planters require a 1¾"-20 spline 1000 RPM PTO to operate PTO-driven two section hydraulic
pump capable of supplying 15 gpm (56.8 Lpm) to two hydraulic motors/vacuum fans.
EdgeVac Seed Metering System operates from an 8 gal (30.3 L) capacity oil reservoir.
edgevaC TraCTOr MOUnTed pTO pUMp and pLanTer MOUnTed hydraULiCS
Loss of control of equipment during transport can result in death,
serious injury, or damage to property and equipment. Tractor gross
weight must be greater than planter gross weight with attachments
and options.
Consult your dealer for information on horsepower requirements and tractor compatibility. Requirements vary with planter
options, tillage, and terrain.
Two dual remote hydraulic outlets (SCV) are required on all sizes of conventional planters equipped with row markers.
Four dual remote hydraulic outlets (SCV) are required on all sizes of ASD planters equipped with row markers. A 12 volt
DC electrical system is required on all sizes.
Other dual fan system components include two oil coolers, two replaceable cartridge-type filters, two motorized flow
controls, pressure compensating valves, solenoid valves, and relief valves.
Two-section pTO hydraulic pump
8 gal (30.3 L) reservoir
vacuum fan block and filter
Flow control
Fan block