Row marker speed adjustment, Row marker chain adjustment, Row marker speed adjustment -23 – Kinze 3700 Front Folding Planter Rev. 7/14 User Manual

Page 33: Row marker chain adjustment -23

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Model 3700


Rev. 10/12


Machine Operation

Marker hydraulic system includes two flow control valves. One
flow control valve sets lowering speed and one sets raising
speed of both markers. Flow controls determine amount of oil
flow restriction through valves, varying marker travel speed.

Loosen jam nut and turn control clockwise, or IN to slow travel
speed. Turn counterclockwise, or OUT to increase travel speed.
Tighten jam nut after adjustments are complete.

nOTe: Tractors with flow control valves. Make row marker
speed adjustment with tractor flow controls in maximum
position. after row marker speed is set, adjust tractor flow
controls to allow hydraulic control to stay in detent during
marker raise or lower cycle.
nOTe: hydraulics operate slowly when oil is cold. Make all adjustments with oil warm.

nOTe: On a tractor where oil flow cannot be controlled, tractor flow rate may be greater than rate marker
cylinder can accept. hold tractor hydraulic control lever until cylinder reaches end of its stroke. This occurs
most often on tractors with an open center hydraulic system.


excessive row marker travel speed can damage row markers.
adjust flow controls before row markers are first used.

rOw MarKer Speed adJUSTMenT

row marker speed control adjustment



nOTe: Operate two-fold or three-fold row markers with the
tractor's hydraulic valve in float position.

Chain adjustment is critical. Adjust chain with second stage of
marker in vertical position and first stage in horizontal position.

Chain must be adjusted so third stage of marker is pulled
out as soon as second stage begins outward travel. Chain
stretches with use and needs routine adjustment. It may be
necessary to twist chain for a finer adjustment.

Marker chain is PROPERLY ADJUSTED if marker blade
pushes dirt 12" or less as marker completes fold into field
operating position. Chain should have some slack when marker
is in field operating position.

Marker chain is TOO LOOSE and should be adjusted if marker
blade pushes dirt more than 12" as it completes the fold into
field operating position.

Marker chain is TOO TIGHT if it will not allow marker blade to
follow ground contour and chain is tight when marker is in field
operating position.

rOw MarKer Chain adJUSTMenT

Second stage

Third stage

Adjust chain

First stage


Uncontrolled marker movement can cause death or serious injury.
set marker switch Off and shut off tractor prior to adjustment.