Piston pump, Piston pump -33 – Kinze 3700 Front Folding Planter Rev. 7/14 User Manual
Page 43

Model 3700
Rev. 10/11
Machine Operation
Loosen ⅜" lock nut that secures arm with pointer and rotate scale flange with adjustment wrench until pointer is over
desired scale setting. Tighten ⅜" lock nut. DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN.
nOTe: periodically check flow to all rows. Set rate is delivered to remaining rows if one or more lines are
piSTOn pUMp
nOTe: delivery rate chart in rate Chart section of this manual provides approximate application rate only.
delivery varies with temperature and fertilizer.
piston pump
adjusting delivery rate
nOTe: Keep manuals shipped with pump and flow divider with this manual.
Clean tanks, hoses, and metering pump thoroughly with
water at end of planting season or prior to an extended period
of non-use. Do not allow fertilizer to crystallize from cold
temperature or evaporation.
On machines equipped with piston pump, take apart and clean
strainer located between piston pump and ball valve daily.
Remove the end cap to clean the screen. See Piston Pump
Storage in Maintenance Section of this manual.
End cap
Set piston pump drive spring tension so there is no slack in springs when contact tire bracket is resting on mounting
bracket stop. Contact tire and transport tire should not be touching.
Spring tension adjustment
Contact tire bracket
Mounting bracket stop
Contact tire
Transport tire