Edgevac system, Vacuum fan valve block assembly, Analog vacuum or pressure gauge – Kinze 3700 Front Folding Planter Rev. 7/14 User Manual

Page 35: Edgevac system -25, Vacuum fan valve block assembly -25, Analog vacuum or pressure gauge -25

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Model 3700


Rev. 10/11


Machine Operation

A pressure relief valve prevents build up of oil pressure
over 35 PSI in case drain line when vacuum fan motor
is operating. This valve vent oils outside through a
drain hole in aluminum valve block. This can occur
whenever case drain is improperly connected or
pressure in motor circuit builds.

Valve block contains a check valve that prevents
vacuum fan from operating in wrong direction if
pressure is applied to return side of motor and allows
fan to coast to a stop when tractor hydraulic control is
returned to neutral position.

Kinze EdgeVac seed metering system includes seed meters, seed discs, and an air system consisting of a hydraulic
driven vacuum fan which draws air through manifolds, hoses, and seed meters on each row unit.


Moving fan blades can cause amputation or severe injury. never
operate vacuum fan with cover removed.

Analog vacuum or pressure gauge connects directly to
EdgeVac (vacuum) or ASD (pressure) manifold and is teed into
digital sending units.

Only adjustment is to “zero” needle with no vacuum or
pressure present. If there is a significant difference between
gauge and a reading taken at meters, a different manifold
location should be found to connect hose to gauge and digital
sending unit.

anaLOg vaCUUM Or preSSUre gaUge

analog gauge

edgevaC SySTeM

nOTe: analog gauges are identical eXCepT for plug and hose barb locations in side of gauge housing.
dO nOT connect edgevac or aSd hose to wrong gauge. Check plug and hose barb installation if readout is
erratic or appears inaccurate.

vaCUUM fan vaLve bLOCK aSSeMbLy

See “Hydraulic Schematic (Vacuum Fan System)” in Lubrication and Maintenance section.

nOTe: fan turns at a reduced speed if reverse pressure is applied.

vacuum fan valve block