Heidolph LABOROTA 20 automatic User Manual
Page 121

Turn the item OFF and disconnect mains plug.
Forward & Store
1. We recommend to store the item and its components in its original box, or a similar container
that offers adequate protection against damage in transit. Tape the box securely.
2. Store the item in a dry place.
Do not jolt or shake the item during transport.
For disposal, please comply with your local or national regulations.
Separate by metal, plastic, etc.
Packing material to be treated as described above (material split).
Master switch won’t light when turning ON
check power cord
master switch broken (call service)
Display: Act Vacuum “0000“
vacuum sensor broken or not connected
Display: Act Vapor “----“
temperature sensor not connected or broken
Display: Act Chiller “----“
Cooling water temperature sensor not connected or broken
Display: Act Vacuum (aerated) differs from atmospheric
altitude correction factor not integrated.
Calibrate vacuum pressure sensor.
Poor vacuum pressure
inspect gaskets and fittings
check ground fittings, coat with vacuum grease, as required
PTFE seal installed the wrong way. Sealing lip needs to point towards drive head
check line to vacuum pump
Heating bath lift won’t travel up
float switch not connected or broken
also refer to safety functions section
lift mechanism broken
upper limit switch broken
Heating bath lift won’t travel down
lift mechanism broken
lower limit switch broken