Heidolph LABOROTA 20 automatic User Manual

Page 111

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To this end hit Pump ventilation key. Pump ventilation LED is lighting. After about a couple
of minutes, stop this operation by hitting the Pump ventilation key once again.

37. Cut-out-sensor

Automatic distillation is supervised
by cut-out-sensor (X).

If a failure in the automatic
discharging unit occurs and the
condensate can’t flow into the
condensate cooler, the Y-
connection (J) will fill up with
condensate. To prevent solvent to
be drawn into the vacuum pump the
safety sensor activates an
emergency CUT-OUT which stops
the distillation (ref. page 87). If
CUT-OFF is provoked by sensor
you see only an emergency LED
blinking accompanied by
continuous buzzer.

Before resetting and restarting it is essential to remove the fault.


38. Connect interface

Make sure the Unit is OFF before you attempt to connect the interface cable.
Use a cable with SUB-D 9 connectors and connect with the terminal connector located
underneath the LABOROTA 20 control automatic control panel.

39. Interface parameters

9600 Baud, no parity, 8 bits, 1 stop bit, no protocol

40. RS 232 interface

This interface allows you to specify all Set-values, move the lift up and down, open and close
aerating valve and vacuum valve.

All Act-values and status of safety functions may be recalled.