3 console port information, 4 port controls – AirLive SNMP-FSH2602MG v2 User Manual
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4. Web Management in SNMP-FSH2602MG v2
AirLive SNMP-FSH2602MG v2 User’s Manual
4.4.3 Console Port Information
Console is a standard UART interface to communicate with Serial Port. User can use
windows HyperTerminal program to link the switch. Please refer to Chapter 5 Console
Management for detail steps.
Console port information shows as follow:
Bits per seconds: 9600
Data bits: 8
Parity: none
Stop Bits: 1
Flow control: none
4.4.4 Port Controls
In the page, you can change the port status port by port as your needs.
1. Select the port by scrolling the list in Port column.
2. State: User can disable or enable this port control.
3. Negotiation: User can set negotiation mode as Auto or Force on port 1 to port 24, and
only Auto on port 25 and port 26.
4. Speed: User can set speed as 10Mbps or 100Mbps on port 1 to port 24, and only
1000Mbps on port 25 and port 26.
5. Duplex: Set Full-Duplex or Half-Duplex mode of the port. When in Full-Duplex mode,
user can configure Flow control; When in Half-Duplex mode, user can configure Back
6. Flow control: Set flow control function as ON or OFF in Full Duplex mode.
7. Back Pressure: Set Back Pressure as ON or OFF in Half Duplex mode.
8. Band Width: The port1 to port 24 supports port ingress and egress rate control. For
example, assume port 1 speed is 10Mbps, users can set it’s effective egress rate is