Google Message Security Batch Reference Guide User Manual

Page 548

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Examples of Common Tasks


To view this organizational hierarchy follow the steps outlined in the task example,
“Message Center Settings and Password Examples” on page 536”. See the
“Editing Your Mail Handling Policies (Non Account Bounce)” on page 562 task
examples for more information.


This example uses the Administration Console batch command syntax.

View the Bounce, Auto Create, and Content Manager Policies


Using the displayorg command, view the Non Account Bounce setting.

displayorg Sales

When non_account_bounce is on, messages are bounced if they are not
addressed to a registered user or alias.

non_account_bounce on


Using the displayorg command, view the Web Autocreate policy setting.

displayorg Sales

When blatant_spam is on, unrecognized users are automatically added
when the user first logs into the Message Center:


This field is used only for organizations with POP authentication. Check the
authentication_type field to see the type of POP configuration, and check
the authentication_data field has a POP login password.

authentication_type=4, for POP authentication



Using SmartCreate to add unrecognized user addresses.

SmartCreate automatically adds unrecognized user addresses with a domain
associated with your orgs. The listprovusers command lists these
unconfirmed provisional users. These users are promoted to a regular user
after being verified as associated with someone in your org by receiving 3
legitimate emails within a week.

listprovusers Sales, subset=ALL, childorgs=1

Rather than relying on a SMTP “250” response from the server to validate
recipients, SmartCreate validates by identifying that the messages
themselves are legitimate (that is, not spam). Use this with any type of email
server, including Microsoft Exchange.


Using the displayorg command, view the mail handling policies for the
Connection Manager inbound mail.

displayorg Sales