Listorgs, Listprovusers – Google Message Security Batch Reference Guide User Manual

Page 39

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listdomains , targetOrg=

[,orgtaggs= ]

[, primaryqs= ]

[,aliases=<0 | 1> ]

[,childorgs=<0 | 1> ]

[,sort= ]

[,fields= ]

[,start= ]

[,end= ]

listdomains ALL, targetOrg=sales, childorgs=1, sort=ORGTAG:a


The listorgs command returns a list of organizations. The list can be all
organizations or it can be sorted and filtered.

Batch Command Syntax and Example:

listorgs , targetOrg=

[ , childorgs=<0|1> ]

[ , sort= ]

[ , fields= ]

[ , start= ]

[ , end= ]

listorgs ALL, targetOrg=sales, sort=IID:nd


The listprovusers command returns a list provisional users. The list can be all
provisional users or it can be sorted and filtered.

This is applicable to the Google Message Security, Google Message Discovery,
and Google Message Filtering products only.

Batch Command Syntax and Example: