Notification examples – Google Message Security Batch Reference Guide User Manual

Page 529

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The displayuser command’s output lists the password field:

password 5d00000


Use the modifyuser command to change the user’s PMP password.

modifyuser [email protected], password= 1passWrd


To change the passwords for several users, using this example’s

syntax, follow the steps explained in “Building a Batch File” on page 19.

Notification Examples

Viewing Message Center General Notification Settings

This example shows how to view the Message Center notifications include
contact information, new account notifications, and filter notifications.

See also, “Seeing if a User Has Received a Welcome Notification” on page 547”
for more information.


This example uses the Administration Console batch command syntax.

Determine an Organization’s User Notification Settings


Using the displayorg command, find the organization’s company name, and
support contact.

displayorg Sales

From the displayorg command’s output, find the company_name field which
holds the company or entity name that is used in email notifications:

company_name Jumbo Inc.

The support_contact field which holds the address of the support contact for
the organization. This is the sender for org notifications and it is important that
this setting has a value.

support_contact [email protected]


Using the same displayorg command output, find the organization’s
notification settings.

The disable_first_spam field which is an activation switch for a new user’s
notification telling the user the first spam message has been quarantined in
the user’s Message Center.

disable_first_spam 1

The welcome_on field shows whether a welcome message can be sent. It
should not be edited.

#welcome_on on