Google Message Security Batch Reference Guide User Manual

Page 538

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Examples of Common Tasks


The listorgs command returns a list of your Account, Email Config, and User
organizations showing each org’s unique ID number and the organization’s
name (iid, orgtag).

If you get an error “You don't have permission to listorgs for the
organization...”, try starting your list with an org you have authorization for
using the targetOrg parameter.

listorgs ALL, targetOrg=Sales, childorgs=1


Using the displayorg command, display your account organization.

displayorg JumboAccount

The displayorg command returns all of the settings for an organization.

The account organization (account org) is used primarily for billing. Do not
add users or domains to the account org.

The initial naming convention for account organizations is ‘name> Account’.


Using the displayorg command, display your email config organization.

displayorg JumboEmailConfig

An email server configuration (email config) manages several email server
tasks. In the batch environment, this organization manages spooling and IP
address management. Note in the org’s settings, the is_email_config field is
set to ‘yes’, confirming this is an email config org.

is_email_config yes


Using the displayorg command, display a user organization and find the
Default User for that organization.

displayorg Sales

User organizations reside below the email config configured for the
organization’s domains. A User org is where users and domains are added to
the hierarchy. Note in the org’s settings, the default_user field lists user
template of all new user settings for that organization.

default_user [email protected]

List Your Domains and a Domain’s Settings


Using the listdomains command, list all of your domains.

listdomains ALL, childorgs=1

The listdomains command returns a list of your domains showing each
domain’s unique domain ID number and domain name (domainid,


Using the listdomains command, list the domains only and without domain