Authorization, Classification, Notes – Google Message Security Batch Reference Guide User Manual

Page 263

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Default: max_password_age=null

‘cascade=no’ -- Sub organization passwords will not be updated with new

‘cascade=yes’ -- Sub organization passwords will be updated. Use caution
with this option. This will propagate the updates to all sub organizations
regardless of individual users requirements.


Enclose in double quotes or preceded with a ‘\’ symbol if it

contains a quote (‘), double quote (“), backslash (\), apostrophe, commas, #, =


Read: Edit Organizations

Write: Edit Organizations


Batch organization management


The rules of complexity are:

Not be a dictionary word

Not be the user’s email address (user name, domain, or whole address)

Three of these four criteria must be met before a password is accepted. An
example is


The password candidate must include one or more:

Lower case English letters (A thru Z)

Upper case English letters (a thru z)

Numbers (0 thru 9)

Symbols, for example



A PMP password policy configuration will not work with a single quote

(‘), a double quote (“), a comma (,), or a backslash (/).

In addition when using a batch file, comments begin with a ‘#’ hash symbol. If
not on a separate line, the hash symbol could be interpreted as part of a user
or organization name.