Google Message Security Batch Reference Guide User Manual
Page 248
Batch Commands
If an organization does not have the notification’s feature, an “Invalid
notification type.” error is returned.
first_spam -- Notification sent when the first spam message gets quarantined
in a new user’s Message Center
state=< on/1 | off/0> -- An on/off switch for first spam notifications. This is
unlink -- The text parameter resets the organization’s notification
message to the default, shares the notification with another organization
which can be modified by either org, unlink shared notifications. When
unlinking shared notifications, the designated org keeps a copy of the
notification, but it can not be updated by the other sharing org. This is
cc=< user address > -- The address of the user who will be cc’ed when
the notication is sent. This address must be a valid user under the same
email config. This is optional.
password_reset -- Allows modification of password reset notification text.
This is optional.
unlink -- The text parameter resets the organization’s notification
message to the default, shares the notification with another organization
which can be modified by either org, unlink shared notifications. When
unlinking shared notifications, the designated org keeps a copy of the
notification, but it can not be updated by the other sharing org. This is
quarantine_summary -- Controls the quarantine summary report
state=< on | off> -- An on/off switch for quarantine summary notifications.
This is optional.
inbox_delivery=< on | off > -- Controls whether the quarantine summary
allows sending quarantine mail to your inbox directly from the summary.
This is optional.
delivery_hour=<4 thru 21 which is an hour between 4 a.m. and 9 p.m. > --
Controls the time of day when the summary will be sent. This is optional.
subject_links=< on | off > -- Controls whether summary has subject links
to allow the user to view the messages. This is optional.
text=default -- Sets the organization’s notification message to the default.
This is optional.
spam -- Enables the spam notification, sets links to the text to another
organization’s notification, adjusts the frequency of updates, and edits the cc
address. This setting is only appropriate when quarantine summaries are
disabled. When enabled, the quarantine summaries replace the spam
state=< on | off> -- An on/off switch for spam notifications. This is optional.
unlink -- The text parameter resets the organization’s notification
message to the default, shares the notification with another organization
which can be modified by either org, unlink shared notifications. When