3 basic method group, Basic method group – Eppendorf D30 BioPhotometer User Manual

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Eppendorf BioPhotometer



English (EN)

Proteins direct UV

• Determination of the concentration of proteins via measurement at 280 nm and factor or standard


• Preprogrammed methods for direct absorbance output as a result (Protein A 280) and for evaluation via

albumin-specific absorbance coefficients (Albumin A 280).

• Preprogrammed method for microliter cuvettes: Measuring protein in sample volumes in the microliter

range with 1 mm light path (with microliter cuvettes as Eppendorf μCuvette G1.0 or Hellma



• Additional information on the purity of the measured protein: Absorbance of the background

wavelength (preset: 320 nm; the absorbance of the pure protein should be close to zero here).

• Partial turbidity correction can be performed via the

Background parameter.

• When programming the methods, the corresponding factor is imported through the simple selection of

the protein from a predefined list. The factors are separately defined in the functions of the


method param. group. Various proteins are preprogrammed in Gen. method param.; additional
proteins can be added.

Proteins (with reagent)

• Concentration determination of proteins via measurement according to color reactions and evaluation

using standards or factors (typical: evaluation with standard curve).

• The Bradford, Bradford micro, Lowry, Lowry micro, BCA and BCA micro methods are already

preprogrammed. According to the reagent manufacturer, the "Curve fit" (standard curve type) must be
changed as necessary.

Bacterial density

• Turbidity measurement to determine the bacteria density.
• Measurement at 600 nm is already preprogrammed.


Basic method group

Factor, standard

• Measurement on a wavelength and factor or standard evaluation.
• Methods for factor and standard evaluation are preprogrammed.

Calibration curve

• Measurement on a wavelength and subsequent evaluation with a series of 2 to 12 standards.
• You can select between different evaluation procedures ("Curve fit") as linear regression, non-linear


• Graphical and tabular display of the standard results.
• The last saved standard evaluation can be used.
• A method for standard curve evaluation is preprogrammed.