2 damage to device, Damage to device – Eppendorf D30 BioPhotometer User Manual

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Eppendorf BioPhotometer



English (EN)



Damage to device

WARNING! Damage due to UV radiation.
Microliter cuvettes, e.g., Hellma® TrayCell (or microliter cuvettes with a similar design) divert
the radiation from the light source within the cuvette so the radiation can escape upward
when the lid is not closed.

 Before starting a measurement, ensure that the lid on the microliter cuvette is not open.

WARNING! Damage to health from toxic, radioactive or aggressive chemicals as well as
infectious liquids and pathogenic germs.

 Observe the national regulations for handling these substances, the biological security

level of your laboratory, the material safety data sheets and the manufacturer's application

 Wear personal protective equipment.
 For full instructions regarding the handling of germs or biological material of risk group II

or higher, please refer to the "Laboratory Biosafety Manual" (Source: World Health
Organization, current edition of the Laboratory Biosafety Manual).

WARNING! Damage to health due to contaminated device and accessories.

 Decontaminate the device and the accessories before storage and shipping.

CAUTION! Poor safety due to incorrect accessories and spare parts.
The use of accessories and spare parts other than those recommended by Eppendorf may
impair the safety, functioning and precision of the device. Eppendorf cannot be held liable or
accept any liability for damage resulting from the use of incorrect or non-recommended
accessories and spare parts, or from the improper use of such equipment.

 Only use accessories and original spare parts recommended by Eppendorf.

NOTICE! Damage from the use of aggressive chemicals.

 Do not use any aggressive chemicals on the device or its accessories, such as strong and

weak bases, strong acids, acetone, formaldehyde, halogenated hydrocarbons or phenol.

 If the device has been contaminated by aggressive chemicals, immediately clean it by

means of a mild cleaning agent.

NOTICE! Damage to the device from fumigating with aggressive chemicals.

 Do not use fumigation to disinfect the device.