2 photometry method description, 1 absorbance method group, 2 routine method group – Eppendorf D30 BioPhotometer User Manual
Page 30: Photometry method description 6.2.1, Absorbance method group, Routine method group
Eppendorf BioPhotometer
English (EN)
You can create new methods in all folders using
In Favorites, you can create your own folders (e.g., to allocate folders to specific people), and rename and
delete the folders.
Tab. 6-2:
Softkeys in method selection
Copied or cut methods can be added to a different folder under Favorites, or added to the original folder
under a new name. Use the cursor keys to navigate to the
Methods column of the desired folder and press
[paste] for adding the method.
Photometry method description
The preprogrammed methods and method templates are described in this section.
Absorbance method group
Single λ
• Absorbance measurement on a wavelength.
• No subsequent evaluation.
Routine method group
The methods for the Routine group are preprogrammed as fixed methods. Therefore, a new method name
is required after the method parameters in the fixed preprogrammed methods have been modified.
Nucleic acids
• Determination of the concentration of nucleic acids through measurement at 260 nm and evaluation via
• Various nucleic acid methods, such as dsDNA or RNA, are preprogrammed. The parameters vary
according to the factor.
• Preprogrammed method for microliter cuvettes: Measuring DNA in sample volumes within the
microliter range with 1 mm light path (with microliter cuvettes as Eppendorf μCuvette G1.0 or Hellma
• Additional information on the purity of the measured nucleic acid: Ratios A260/A280, ratios A260/A230,
restricted absorbance wavelength spectrum of nucleic acid (with 3 nm distances), absorbance of the
background wavelength (preset: 320 nm; the absorbance of the pure nucleic acid should be close to
zero here).
• Partial turbidity correction can be performed via the
Background parameter.
• Concentrations can be converted to molar concentrations and (after the sample volume has been
entered) to nucleic acid quantities (
process results method step).
[Cut] and [Paste]
Cut and paste methods.
[Copy] and [Paste]
Copy and paste methods.
Delete methods.
Rename methods.