Eppendorf BioPhotometer User Manual
Page 50

Conformity Declaration for BioPhotometer 6131
in accordance with enclosure 15 of "Eichordnung" (German standardization regulations)
Description of measurement
Device used:
Single-beam filter photometer with reference beam and fixed wavelengths
Type: BioPhotometer
Manufacturer / Distributor:
Eppendorf AG, Hamburg
Mode of instruction:
Operating manual
1. Measuring system
Light path:
Lamp > aperture > lens > aperture > cuvette > aperture >
diffraction grating > aperture > photodiode
Light source:
Xenon flash lamp
Continuum spectral range 220 to 2,000 nm
Spectral apparatus:
Grating polychromator
Radiation receiver:
Silicon photodiode
Spectral range 200 to 1,100 nm
Quartz glass, optical special glass or plastic, depending on measuring wavelength
Cuvette types:
10 mm macro
min. vol. 1000
10 mm semi-micro
min. vol.
10 mm suction
min. vol.
10 mm ultra-micro
min. vol.
Cuvette temperature:
Not available
Results display:
Illuminated, graphic LCD, 33 x 66 mm
Measured values displayed:
Absorption, mass concentration, molar concentration
2. Measuring procedures
Determination of the
cuvette blank:
Wavelength-dependent individual measured value of the cuvette used
Concentration determination:
Lambert-Beer-Bourguer law
Reference measurement
on reference material:
Check with calibrated secondary standards
3. Measuring range of the spectral absorption rate
0.000 to 3.000 A
The error limits listed can be exceeded outside these measuring ranges as well as
with nominal conditions of use other than those listed below.
4. Nominal conditions of use
Cuvette blank:
Depending on cuvette used
Xenon 230, 260, 280, 320, 562, 595 nm
Warm-up time:
Supply voltage:
100 to 240 V
10 %, 50 to 60 Hz
5 %
Ambient temperature:
15 to 35
Relative humidity:
15 to 70 %
5. Error limits and other limiting values
Relative photometric uncertainty of the spectral absorption rate with all wavelengths for
an individual measurement:
1.5 % at 1 A
Relative photometric
short-time standard deviation:
0.5 % at 1 A
Wavelength systematic error:
1 nm at 230 to 280 nm,
2 nm at 320 to 595 nm
Spectral half-intensity width:
5 nm at 230 to 320 nm,
7 nm at 562 and 595 nm
Integral fault-radiation level:
0.03 % at 260 nm with GG 375-3 (Schott)
Date: 25.09.2000
Eppendorf AG
Quality and standards
BioPh_Conformity_e.fm Seite 92 Montag, 20. Februar 2006 11:36 Uhr