Apple Logic (1.1) User Manual

Page 79

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Chapter 7

Mixer, Instruments, and Effects


Handling Lines
Lines are created automatically between nodes. The following node functions are
pertinent to lines.

a short click on, or just outside, a line (not on an existing node) will add a new node
on the line.

a long click on a line allows you to move the line, along with its two endpoints—the
nodes that encompass the line.

a long click outside a line will create and select a new node, allowing you to move
this new node immediately.

There may be occasions where you wish to create non-linear automation data.

Linear means a straight line.

Non-linear means curved.

Click-holding on a line or a selection (of several lines and/or nodes), with Command-
Control depressed, allows you to set various curves on a line or the current selection.

Various automation curves