Selecting and soloing – Apple Logic (1.1) User Manual

Page 35

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Chapter 3

Navigating the Song


Move it by grabbing it in the middle, and dragging your mouse to the left or right.

You can also change the area borders by grabbing either the bottom left or right
corners of the highlighted section on the Bar/Beat Ruler, and moving the mouse left
or right.

By clicking anywhere in the upper part of the Bar/Beat Ruler, the cycle can be
deactivated. Another click reactivates it.

Press Play and allow the area to cycle over the selected song section. You can even
resize the cycle while it is playing, using the technique mentioned above. When Cycle
mode is engaged, pressing Stop twice will move the SPL to the beginning of the cycle,
rather than the beginning of the song, which is its default behavior. Give it a try.

Selecting and Soloing

In order to edit any data type in Logic—be it notes, MIDI or Audio Regions—you first
need to select them. All functions and operations will only affect items that are selected.
We will demonstrate this with the Solo function:

To solo a Region:


Turn on the Solo function by clicking on the Solo button in the Transport Bar, or by
pressing the S key. The Solo button and the Bar/Beat Ruler at the top of the Arrange
window will turn yellow.


Extend the cycle boundaries from bar 9 through 13, and enable Cycle mode. We will be
working with the MIDI Regions between these bars.


Start playback, and click once on the “Kick” MIDI Region to highlight it. A black bar at
the top of the MIDI Region indicates that it is selected. You will hear the kick drum part
in isolation, because when Solo is active, only selected MIDI Regions will play.


Click on the other MIDI Regions in the cycled section, one at a time, to solo them.

You can also solo several selected MIDI Regions:


Select the “Kick” MIDI Region again.


Hold the Shift key down, and click on the “Bass” MIDI Region. This will also be selected
and played.


While still pressing the Shift button, click just below the “HiHat” MIDI Region, and keep
the mouse button depressed. Now, drag a lasso over all of the MIDI Regions in the
cycled section. Your previous selection will now be reversed, and you will hear the
remaining HiHat MIDI Region.

Try out the selection functions with other MIDI Regions, individually and grouped
(using the Shift key), if you’d like more practice.