Apple Logic (1.1) User Manual
Page 120

loop An audio clip that contains recurring rhythmic musical elements or elements
suitable for repetition. Logic also supports Apple Loops.
Loop function Loop is a Region parameter in Logic that creates “loop repetitions” for
an Audio or MIDI Region. These repetitions will repeat until the song end point, or until
another Region or folder (whichever comes first) is encountered on the same track in
the Arrange window.
lowpass filter The lowpass filter defines the maximum frequency that can pass
through without being affected, thus controlling the brightness of the sound. Every
signal above this frequency will be cut. The higher the cutoff frequency, the higher the
frequencies that can pass through. A lowpass filter that offers no slope or resonance
controls is a high cut filter.
Magnifying Glass This tool allows you to zoom in on any part of the active Logic
window. You can choose this tool from the Toolbox, or activate it when using other
tools by holding down the Control key and clicking.
marker Markers serve three purposes in Logic: They mark time-positions in the
Arrange window. They hold text notes and they delimit song settings. Markers can be
placed in the Marker track, or they can be placed in the Bar Ruler. Markers are generally
used for indicating and navigating to different song sections.
Marquee tool This crosshair-shaped tool in the Arrange toolbox can be used to select
and edit parts of Audio and MIDI Regions.
Matrix Editor A MIDI event editor that displays note events as horizontal beams.
Events can be cut, copied, moved and resized in a similar fashion to Regions in the
Arrange window. The Matrix Editor is sometimes referred to as a piano roll editor.
main menu bar The bar at the top of the computer screen, offering global functions
such as opening, saving, exporting or importing songs. It does not offer access to local
merge Mix, or combine, two or more MIDI events or Regions into a single Region.
metronome A part of Logic that produces a sound that taps out the beat. It can set by
click-holding the Metronome button in the Transport bar.
MIDI Abbreviation for Musical Instrument Digital Interface. Standardized,
asynchronous, serial and event-oriented interface for electronic musical instruments.
MIDI is an industry standard that allows devices such as synthesizers and computers to
communicate with each other. It controls a musical note’s pitch, length, and volume,
among other characteristics.
MIDI channel A MIDI channel is a “tube” for MIDI data, which flows through MIDI ports
in channels. Up to 16 separate MIDI channels can pass through a port simultaneously.