Apple Logic (1.1) User Manual

Page 126

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stereo Short for stereophonic sound reproduction of two different audio channels.
Compare with mono.

Swing parameter Alters the rigid timing of a quantization grid by delaying every other
note of a specified sub-division by a definable amount.

synchronization Method of keeping several recording/playback devices time locked.

synthesizer A device (hardware or software) that is used to generate sounds. The word
is derived from early attempts with mechanical and electronic machines to emulate (or
synthesize) the sounds of musical instruments, voices, birdsong and so on. Logic
features several software synthesizers, including; the ES1, ES2, EFM 1, ES E, ES P and

SysEx Abbreviation for System Exclusive data. SysEx data forms the top tier in the
hierarchy of MIDI commands. These messages are tagged with an identification
number for each manufacturer (the SysEx manufacturer’s ID number). The actual
contents of these MIDI commands is left to the manufacturer. They are used for
transferring individual or banks of sound programs and/or system settings, and for
addressing individual sound generation or signal processing parameters.

template Logic allows you to create and save any song as a template file, which can be
used as a basis for new projects. The Autoload Song is an example of a template file,
but you may wish to create several templates for; scoring tasks, audio only projects,
MIDI only projects and so on, as your personal needs require. Also see Autoload Song.

tempo The playback speed of a piece of music, measured in beats per minute. Logic
allows you to create and edit tempo changes in the Tempo track.

tick The smallest unit of timing resolution in a sequencer. In Logic, this is 1/3840th of a

time signature Two numerals separated by a diagonal bar that appear at the
beginning of a song. Common time signatures are 4/4 and 2/4. The first number
denotes the number of notes in a measure, or bar. The second number denotes a unit
of time for each beat. In a 2/4 signature, each bar has two beats; each beat is a quarter
note long.

time stretch Changing the length of an Audio Region without changing its pitch. In
Logic, you can do this in the Arrange window or Sample Editor with various menu
functions or key commands.

timing Measure of the ability to play notes at the right time. Timing can also refer to
synchronization between events, Regions and devices.

toggle To switch between two states such as on or off (applies to windows, parameter
values and so on).