Apple Logic (1.1) User Manual

Page 116

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distortion The effect produced when the limit of what can be accurately reproduced
in a digital signal is surpassed, resulting in a sharp, crackling sound.

drag & drop Grabbing objects with the mouse, moving them, and releasing the mouse

driver Drivers are software programs that enable various pieces of hardware and
software to be recognized by other programs in a computer, and also to have the
appropriate data routed to them in a format they can understand. In Logic, you can use
the Preferences > Audio > Drivers panel to select and configure your audio hardware
drivers. If you do not have the proper driver installed, your computer may not
recognize or work properly with a given piece of hardware.

DSP (digital signal processing) In Logic, the mathematical processing of digital
information to modify a signal. An example is the Insert slot of channel strips, which
assigns DSP effects such as dynamic compression and delay to a channel’s signal.

DTDM Mixer Logic Pro supports a number of Digidesign hardware devices via Direct
TDM. The DTDM mixer is created in Logic’s Environment window, and allows the use of
Logic “native” effects and instruments with suitable Digidesign hardware.

dynamics Refers to changes in volume or other aspects of a piece of music over time.

dynamic range The dynamic range of a sound system is the difference in level
between the highest signal peak that can be reproduced by the system (or device in
the system) and the amplitude of the highest spectral component of the noise floor.
The dynamic range is the difference between the loudest and softest signals that the
system can reproduce. It is measured in decibels (dB). See decibels.

editor Window for editing MIDI or audio data. Logic offers the Hyper, Matrix and Score
editors for MIDI event data, and the Sample Editor for audio data.

effect A type of software algorithm that lets you alter the sound of a track in a variety
of ways. Logic includes a set of EQ, dynamics, time-based, modulation and distortion
effects in Logic’s native and Audio Unit plug-in formats.

Environment The Environment is Logic’s brain: it graphically reflects the relationships
between hardware devices outside your computer and virtual devices within your
computer. Beyond basic input and output handling, the Environment can be used to
process MIDI data in real-time, and can even be used to create processing “machines”,
such as virtual rhythm generators and step sequencers or complex synthesizer editors.

Environment layer A place in the Environment, used to organize Objects and making
usage easier. Objects of the same type (Audio Objects, for example) are generally
placed on the same layer.

Environment Mixer See Audio Mixer