W, x, y, z – Apple PC Compatibility Card 12-inch card User Manual
Page 221

UNDELETE command (DOS) 101
unmounting drives or containers 99–100
unsharing a volume 102
updating system software (Mac OS)
VDIF file 174
VESA BIOS Extension 179, 182, 188
VESATEST utility 188
VGA-to-Macintosh adapters 60
VGA monitors 89
video. See also monitors
drivers 77, 79–82, 176–177
modes 186–191
problems 89, 123–124, 183–185
software 79–82, 89, 173–191
specifications 186–191, 195
support for 180–181
utilities (DOS) 182
View menu (Windows) 114
virtual PC drive 98
volumes, sharing with PC 101–103, 116
W, X, Y, Z
WINBOOST 173, 186–188
Windows. See also PC environment
ATI DeskTop, installing 181
configuring monitors in 89
copying to and from Mac OS
file formats 114
installing in new drive container
keyboard command for switching to
Mac OS 108
keyboard files, installing 82–83
MPEG video support, installing
pasting to and from Mac OS 114–115
PC software, installing 73–83
PC utilities, installing 77–82
printing in 94
problems finding 122
Sound Blaster software, installing
starting 108–110
video software, installing and
configuring 79–80, 174
Windows 95. See also PC environment
ATI DeskTop, installing 181
configuring monitors in 89
copying to and from Mac OS
drive container, recommended size
for 72
installing in new drive container
keyboard command for switching to
Mac OS 108
keyboard files, installing 83
MPEG video support, installing 180
pasting to and from Mac OS 114–115
PC software, installing 73–83
PC utilities, installing 77–82
printing in 95–96
problems finding 122
selecting and configuring monitors in
Sound Blaster software, installing 78
starting 108–110
upgrade 75
video software, installing and
configuring 80–82, 174
Win95 WordPad 115
WordPerfect drivers, installing 178–179